Data Visualisation

XAML will possibly change the way we visualize trade data. Here are a few alternatives until WinFX is installed on traders workstations:

~ by mdavey on March 1, 2006.

5 Responses to “Data Visualisation”

  1. How will any of these technologies change the way data is visualized? All of these just draw graphs.

    Can you give an example of new visualization? e.g. pretty 3D graph instead of 2D

  2. Hi AC,
    Visualization is a different way of looking at large amount of data. You will notice the difference when the same data is filled in a spreadsheet and presented next to the pictures.

    3D is just one aspect of visualization. Many visualization techniques let you navigate (or hyper navigate) through data. That is one of their strengths.

    Visualization adds a different dimension for manipulating data, especially if it is interactive. You will notice things (like clustering) that may not be as easy to find in the tabular form (especially when the data is hundreds or thousands of rows).

    This is a great list of resources. Thanks for providing this.

  3. […] This is a great list of links on Data Visualization. […]

  4. there is a link to one of my finance visualization projects. This is Emini S&P Depth of market data.. Normalized, scaled etc for frequency, distance from current spread, weighted for velocity. Top is the combined sideways histogram series, bid and ask below…

    Fun fun.

  5. PS – good post 🙂 It has been a week or so since I checked in – Matt – lots of good posts as usual.

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